New Features

  • Sync Sweep Scans exported from RFeye Site can be passed into GMP and Sync sweep data returned
  • Geolocations can be streamed out in Asterix and PBD2 formats based on an RFeye Site solution file passed into GMP
  • Additional users can subscribe and unsubscribe from other users’ tasks and receive the same data (based on the task_ID)
  • Synchronous detection scans tasks can be created and data returned from multiple Nodes


  • Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) value is returned when running a TDOA geolocation
  • GMP sweep data updated from Spec 8 to Spec 16, resulting in two decimals points in the returned data
  • Users can now provide the Node’s “name” field when sending commands to GMP. The name and node id are always returned in synchronous data requests.


  • Detection based TDOA will not return empty JSON data
  • Only valid antenna numbers will be accepted by synchronous sweep scans
  • Multiple bug fixes and improvements to code


  • Improved accuracy when doing an AOA crossover bearing scan for geolocation of signals of interest
  • Better error handling and more detailed error messages


  • Improved stability when importing and running RFeye Site solutions
  • Minor bug fixes

New features

  • Command line option to allow users to clear the logs, to improve administration of logs.
  • Support for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS has been added to GMP.
  • RFeye Node GPS location returned as part of the response from an API request.
  • Mixed Node network support for TDOA on RFeye Nodes 40-8, 50-8 and 100-x. To benefit from this feature, please upgrade other firmware and software to the following minimum version numbers (where applicable):
    1. GMP version or later
    2. RFeye Site version or later
    3. Mission Manager version 2.8.3 or later


  • Fixed issue where GMP needed a manual restart after a process was stopped manually.
  • Minor Bug fixes.


This release gives you the ability to tell if synchronous sweep scans are influenced by signal compression. You now also have the ability to create a complex mission within RFeye Site and then export that configuration and run it autonomously. This is called a Mission Automation Configuration (MAC) file.

New Features

  • Allows a site mission configuration (MAC) file to be loaded and run autonomously.
  • Indicates whether synchronous sweep scans are influenced by signal compression.


  • Fixes a bug where duplicate POA geolocations are produced.

New Features

  • GMP is updated to run inside a Docker container.
  • GMP is updated to run on Unix socket.
  • Added support for username and password authentication.
  • Added support for floating style licenses to allow GMP to run inside a Docker container. Only floating licenses are supported from GMP release 1.5 onwards. The old hardware ID based licenses are no longer supported from this release onwards.
  • Added support for squelch parameters in geolocation scans.
  • Added support for heatmap parameters in geolocation scans.
  • Added support for radiated power in geolocation scan results.
  • Added the script to allow the user to control the installation via the CLI. To view the list of available commands type: sudo help.