Cambridge, UK, 9th February 2017 CRFS, a leader in real-time RF spectrum monitoring solutions, announces its early adoption of the newly published ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard well in advance of the end of 2018 deadline.

Vice President of Operations Steve Williamson announced the news saying, “We’re really pleased to have achieved compliance so early on. This new risk-focused standard was only published in September 2016 and we’re one of the first companies in the UK to achieve compliance. We use internationally recognised BSI as our auditors, ensuring the most thorough level of auditing. Early certification is testament to our dedication to ensuring best practice across all of our operations”.
The new ISO 9001 standard requires a dynamic quality management system and a regular process of risk-based analysis. CRFS’s recent audit covered all aspects from product design and manufacture to testing and customer support. The resulting certification verifies the company’s commitment to the customer-focused and risk minimisation principles enshrined in the new ISO 9001 standard.
About CRFS
CRFS is a leader in real-time RF spectrum monitoring solutions for regulators, defence, security agencies and spectrum operations. Applications include spectrum management and enforcement, remote site and perimeter monitoring, real-time situational awareness, threat detection and signals intelligence. The RFeye® range includes best-in-class networkable receivers and nodes designed for remote, distributed, continuous 24/7 monitoring of the RF environment. Powerful data analytics and visualisation tools provide actionable intelligence in complex and critical RF environments.
CRFS has offices in Cambridge, UK and Chantilly, Virginia as well as channel partners around the world who can provide local support. Contact us for pricing and availability, or for further information on our market leading radio receiver technology for regulatory, defence, security and mobile spectrum operations.
Media Contact:
Kerry Mertz, Marketing
Tel: +44 (0)1223 859500 Email: